Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bad News

Understand how to communicate effectively with the people from other cultures, has become more integral as many companies becoming multinational. Problems accrued when people think that their own cultural believes are best and their own cultures norms are right to do things. But learning about other cultures and delivering sensitivity can bring more success when dealing with bad news. You must always keep culture in mind, while dealing with bad news. Different cultures understand things differently, so different strategies may be necessary. In many cultures it is necessary to look what the words say and instead look at the communication style and the context of what is being said. Also, be aware that saying ‘no’ is more serious in some cultures than it is in others.

How Different Cultures Deal With Bad News

·         North Americans prefer to present bad news indirectly, to minimize disappointment.
·         In Asian countries, people try to avoid disrupting the harmony with bad news.
·         To avoid saying ‘no’ Japanese communicators may change the subject or may respond with counter question or with silence. Sometimes use such a wording that answer seems ‘yes’ like; ‘I will try my best, but if I can’t, I think you can understand’ or ‘yes, but....’
·         . Brazilians as well prefer high-context communication.  "Maybe" or "I will try" is understood as "No" in Brazilian culture.  
·         But German communicators tend to present bad news directly. Directness is important aspects in business for Germans.
·         British communicators also deal straight with bad news.
·         In Latin countries question is that whether to present bad news or not. Because report bad news to superior is impolite and disrespectful.

Difficulties In Presenting Bad News In Other Cultures

Presenting bad news in other culture is very complicated and awareness of cultural practices and sensitivity is essential. In some cultures negative message presents in such way that sometimes it become hard for literal-minded North Americans to understand what is being said. Saving face is important in high context culture, to save face people of high context cultures try to avoid say no.

Solutions To Overcome Difficulties

To understand the meaning of real communication we should look beyond wording and communication style, culture and context. Communicating negative information effectively requires greater cultural sensitivity than does communicating something positive. Before deal with the people of other cultures, do your best to ensure that you understand the cultural implications of the message and the expectations of receiver. Learn the difference in the ways different cultures organize the bad message. To treat the individual, you need to understand about cultural beliefs about communication. You can also increase your awareness of other cultures by getting information from the Internet or the library and by talking with others.